Term 2 Week 2, 2024
From our Leadership
Welcome back to Term 2. We trust that you all enjoyed a relaxing and refreshing break.
This term we continue to strive towards all students engaging in a culture of being Respectful, Responsible, Effort and Safety. We look forward to working in partnership with families and our parish community to support our students' in being our motto of ‘living and growing.’

Tell Them From Me Survey
Each year St Joseph’s Primary undertakes a parent, student, and staff survey that asks questions about the organisational health of our school community. This data is vital in shaping our school improvement planning and future directions. The 2024 survey opened on Monday, 6 May 2024 and closes on Friday, 24 May 2024. Please use this link to access the survey http://tellthemfromme.com/7m6qr.
Please take the time to complete the survey so that we can continually improve and offer the best education available for our students.
School Improvement and Review
Schools undergo periodic review processes for us to celebrate achievements and look to future growth options, which is an integral aspect of school improvement. St Joseph’s will undergo this process in Term 3 on the following dates.
- Catholic Mission Review: Friday, 16 August
- School Improvement Review: Tuesday, 20 August, Wednesday, 21 August and Thursday, 22 August.
On these occasions, a panel of knowledgeable others will attend our school to explore all we do at St Joseph’s, which forms the basis of a report that will offer affirmations, commendations and recommendations. Staff, students and families will be given opportunities to meet with the panel to offer their thoughts, celebrations and insights.
Families who wish to join the conversation are invited to email Anne with their intention to attend a 15 minute session on one of the dates listed above (anne.forwell@lism.catholic.edu.au)
As part of our ongoing commitment to safeguarding our children, there are two things that we need to inform/remind parents of to ensure we have best practice safeguarding occurring and that these are in line with the NSW safeguarding standards. Please note the following:
Afternoon Collection - Green Zone
At the afternoon collection time, primary schools must have a 'Green Zone', which are areas of the school where parents can wait for children, without having to sign in to the school. Our 'Green Zone' inside the school is the nature play area (where the cubbies & sandpit are) and the undercover space in the middle of the school.
MPC Toilets
The MPC toilets are "students only", therefore no parents or visitors can use these toilets during the school day, e.g.: during assembly. An adult toilet is located in the Hall and School Office. As the MPC are students-only toilets, this also means parents/visitors can not enter these toilets with toddlers.
School Jumpers
School jumpers are now available to purchase through the School Office at a cost of $40.00. There is no expectation to purchase a school jumper, if you have already purchased a navy jumper for your child.
Last Thursday morning we were incredibly proud of the 50 plus students who marched behind our new St Joseph's Primary School banner. These amazing children were also outstanding during the commemorative service.

Puberty, Social Media, Respectful Relationships and Consent Resources for Parents
Diocese of Lismore Catholic Schools (DLCS) has purchased a subscription to the RealTalk online parent resource centre for all parents in our Catholic schools. All parents can now access a comprehensive online resource created by RealTalk Australia that provides access to a collection of resources to support parents and caregivers explore a diverse range of topics including:
Puberty and personal development and identity
Online safety
Consent and respectful relationships
Impacts of pornography
For more information about how to access this resource see the flyer.
Grafton Show Scarecrow Competiton
St Joseph's Farmer Joey

Mother's Day Celebrations
We warmly invite all mothers, grandmothers and mother figures to join us on Friday, 10 May at 10:15am in Mercy Hall for our Mother's Day Celebration.
Prepare to be entertained and acknowledged for the invaluable role you play in our lives.

Principal-Danny Rankin
Assistant Principal-Anne Forwell
Leader of Learning - Brooke Donoghue
Leader of Evangelisation - Matthew Green
Sport Coordinator - Caitlin Crispin

Well done to all students who participated in the Zone Cross Country on Wednesday at Junction Hill.
All students showed great sportsmanship and tried their hardest. A big Congratulations to Owen who came 1st in the 12/13 year old boys.
Owen will now compete at the Diocesan Carnival at McAuley Catholic College on May 21.
We wish Owen all the best.
Key Sporting Dates for Term 2
- 21 May - Diocesan Cross Country, McAuley Catholic College
- 7 June - School Athletics Carnival, Barnier Park Junction Hill
Congratulations to our Cross Country Winners

Gumbaynggirr Language - Liz Hegedus
Ginnagay Ngujawiny -Hello You Mob,
Today we feature Stage 2 student Meliah Daley. Meliah is an Aboriginal student at St Joseph’s and has been painting Aboriginal stories at home.
Meliah’s story is all about families and how they travelled across the country to each other.
The connection to land gives Aboriginal people their identity and a sense of belonging.
Country is much more than a place, it is a connection between the land, water, sky, mountains, rivers, rocky paths and flora and fauna.
Meliah has captured the connection between families travelling between different camp sites, to visit each other.
We can see how Meliah has painted Aboriginal art symbols to represent her story for campsites, man with spear and woman with digging stick and travelling path.
Well done Meliah, thank you for sharing your Aboriginal story with us.
Darrundang Ngiinda - Thankyou Miss Liz Hegedus IEW Indigenous Educational Worker

School Notes

Term 1 school fees have now been applied. Your statement is available to view via the Compass app.
Thank you to those families who have made the change from Direct Debit to BPay for fee payments. BPay is the preferred payment method for school fees. Scheduled payments can also be set up using BPay, the Biller Code and your personal reference number can be found on your Fee Statement.
Paying through BPay ensures that your payment goes directly to your account. Any enquireies please contact the School Office.
Please notify the School Office if your child will be absent for an extended period of time, Principal approval may be required.
Only full day absences are to be entered into Compass, for partial absences - arriving late or leaving early please phone the School Office to notify.
Change to afternoon travel arrangements may be emailed to the school if before 12.00pm sjpgraf@lism.catholic.edu.au
After 12.00pm please phone the School Office on 6642 2899 with any changes.

Book Club Issue 3 is out now! If you would like to order through the school, please return your orders to school by Wednesday, 15 May.
Remember you may also order online through the link below.

Mrs Hickson is currently teaching voice/drama and piano lessons. These are private lessons that will take place during school hours.
Please phone Mrs Hickson on 0421656019 or email maree.hickson@lism.catholic.edu.au

Merit Awards
Congratulations to the following students who received a Merit Award.
ES1: Indi, Olivia, Billy, Lola, Logan, Tristan
Stage 1: Summer, Harlow, Aylee, Brax
Stage 2: Prisca, Ethan, Dakota, Skyla, Mason
Stage 3: Sophie, Koby, Lara

School Calendar
TERM 2 2024
Week 2
Thursday, 9 May - Movie Night 5.00pm to 7.00pm
Friday, 10 May - Mother's Day Celebration, Mercy Hall at 10.15am
Week 3
Tuesday, 14 May - Parent Group Meeting 6.00pm - 7.00pm
Week 4
Monday, 20 May - School Assembly 2.15pm
Week 5
Tuesday, 28 May - Reconciliation Day
Thursday, 30 May - Staff Development Day (Pupil Free Day)
Week 6
Monday, 3 June - School Assembly 2.15pm
Tuesday, 4 June - Confirmation Parent Meeting 6.00pm at the Parish Office
Friday, 7 June - School Athletics Carnival at Barnier Park, Junction Hill
Week 8
Monday, 17 June - School Assembly 2.15pm
Week 9
Tuesday, 18 June - Sacrament of Confirmation
Friday, 28 June - Semester 1 Reports published on Compass
Week 10
Monday, 1 July - School Assembly 2.15pm
Friday, 5 July - Staff Development Day (Pupil Free Day)
Open every Wednesday and Friday
Online orders are placed through the Compass app prior to 8.30am. Lunch orders may still be brought in with your child, please write their name and class on the front of a paper bag along with their order.
Volunteers are always welcome, please leave your details with the School office if you're able to assist.